Are Costa Rica Hoteliers Ready for Google?


Are you ready for Google?

If you’re in the hotel business, you’re probably already aware that Google is becoming an increasingly important place that people look to for hotel reviews, pricing, and details. This week, some changes at Google make hotel listings even more important.

We hope that you’ve already claimed your Google My Business listing, because making sure that your listing is up-to-date is very important for two reasons:

  1. You want to ensure that Google is displaying your property when users search for accommodations in your market;
  2. You want to ensure that the information contained on your listing is accurate, so that users are not put off because your listing is inadvertently misleading.

Point # 2 is even more important now because, as of this week, hotels can now add services and amenities in Google My Business. You definitely want to login to your Google My Business account and make sure that you have selected options for all the available new settings. Google will have automatically tried to match up your existing settings with the new ones, but you’ll want to confirm that they are accurate. And, you’ll want to ensure that the new options that are relevant to your business are set appropriately.

Here’s a brief outline of how to login, if you need a refresher, and how to access the “Hotel Attributes”.

If you’d like more detail, or prefer a video example, this should help you out: